Third Party onlyYou have to have motor insurance before you can drive on public roads. For a motorist to drive on UK roads, it is a legal requirement to have at least third party motor insurance. This ensures that any third parties, their vehicles or their property are covered in the event of an incident.


Third Party, Fire and Theft Insurance Explained

Third party, fire & theft (TPFT) is a step up again, as it also covers you in the event of your motorcycle being stolen or damaged (even destroyed) by fire.

Third party, fire & theft bike  insurance will cover you for any injury or even death caused to third parties. It will also cover your legal costs in the event of such proceedings, but not any fines you may incur.

It will also cover you in the event that your motorcycle is stolen. Despite advances in alarms, immobilisers and other anti-theft technology, one cannot be certain that yourmotorcycle will not be stolen, or at least damaged in the attempt. If you have TPFT cover then you will be able to pursue a claim for any such damage or loss to your bike The fire provision is mainly for when a motorcycle is burnt by thieves to cover their tracks, but can apply any other fire damage  that may incur.

Third party, fire & theft tends to have less costly premiums than comprehensive but before opting for this cover, you should consider what you will not get from your insurance policy that you will under a comprehensive one.

Comprehensive Cover
The main difference is damage to your motorcycle, and your kit also may be coved this is normally called full comp as your motorcycle is fully coved too

Comprehensive cover will repair your bike after a collision (or pay you the market value for the bike if it is uneconomical to repair), this may also sometimes cover your kit helmet, leathers , glove, boots , ect. but you will need to check .

where third party, fire and theft is precisely that – covers you only for fire or theft incidents

Please phone 0800 1074193

for  a insurance qoute, and more details . see what they can do for you and its a free phone call

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